HM Wrath of the Machine Leader Board

Time Players (kills)
skillprofi-1, ProX_Exotic, PreeeY, Volt230, E_N_D_23, TehCupido
sc Slayerage, rpotts, xDom, Kircios, EPICOOKIEZ, Eavr
FleshCrunch, Modern Tryhard, MagneticRubber, Tfue, Snead, GIadd
mrdurant35, jupan56, XpertTJ, BastianMews, Steven_Cardenas, Sonikk__
lFumas, Seven7hBoss, TheGreatGrattsby, MCrUz23, lulusoccer, demise87
a Tachyon, Tiny uh, x Zenorith, a Goon, Announcers, Neu Era
Lachegga, sm0ky_1991, lChaosXx, ilovemountainz, marc_1002_, Tschiistar
Black-Gr4v1tY, iiLoveNooBs, Riggi1370, Kool015, St1ngyJ4ck, Drubbed
ATimidChicken, AlliedSerpent, stefankaiten, Desafyre, graev1, EBeast07
Gaming Vet Josh, W1SH 911, Casper907, Roosevelt, Syrant, Snerv
GTQ, Chumyz, el hixx, The HM05, PrettyWhelp3499, Boles
GTQ, Chumyz, el hixx, The HM05, President Whelp, Boles
chrisg2003bt, Ninja with no L, DrLupo, DeadLock25, Rockywrecks, OnlyTeJay
Thundertouch, DonThyDone, PandoxR8, enji_n3rd, Noobish-Hero, zippy100012
CRubenC, SargentoHighway-, AlbertoOo27792, Ian_SR_LPGC, aitor229, fv_1997
Schendziee, Skarner666, Jonsensens, neofight87, dbzdude_, Pfaffi6791
Gigz, Vetoed, Lethal Vendetta, Yem, GhunZ, Are eye oh Tea
BizzzzzzAMF, Eye, SHINY STUFF, Darkness Snyper, AnT of Legend, Boser
BizzzzzzAMF, Eye, Mttchew, Darkness Snyper, AnT of Legend, Boser
Killomainia, I Jabs I, C YA L8R ALIG8R, CozmicZodiac, Virsn, markstealth
Rockem4life, dopeeswag1, exod4u, NinjasinSuits_, XXTheExecutorXX, xGuilty-Kingx
VNitrate101, Zyevrah, Luniqx, XxiFrizzyxX, HIALEAH BOY 305, FlamingoSixRD
Transgressional, Puban, xiiMaGzx, ghostx78x, dthuna, Sweepthelegz
marcop123321, GoodNature_, TheDeathMile, Pyromadman1, Gob_me, Watch_Me_Lag
Go Cubed, Hopitikins, OptimisticKiIIs, Cruelty It, Trickyqt, Knarr
Go Cubed, Baxly, OptimisticKiIIs, Cruelty It, Trickyqt, Knarr
IVIacca-_-, RaVeHaSeO, PhoenixlSlash, ClownSyndrome-, AuronaW, YDK1
EpicJellyTime, Nutley99, iSunbreaker, TheUltraSaint, PickaxeSwinger2, xForgottenRealmx
StrikerCodex, MarrecZveth, nanowatts, alrightbudlight, Dattowatto, leopardsteaIth
iMoNeiY_, PharaH_, iHayabusaa, Strafe-C, vZeReN, xX_Shunrick_Xx
Stiickies, EnteringReality, Courtesyflush03, EPtheDreamer23, TWISTEDDEVIL13, Half
ScaRdrow, xKyrin, xCameron17x, Spartan__Nation, merj1, Pepsiking99
truffleshuffle15, Scoe999, Bilkos_lces, flylo32, Chankeyez, Phornado
artsohc, lwaj, ALMIGHTY77, tewbookoo, WackyTwilight, OnlyOneZ_21
Haydn, Zupah, Vahro, I TwoSixNine I, WiLLiS, Arekkz
iamkunii, SScarlet Wolf, Gummoe, Noroi, TomCatChi, Xx1txH1gHNo0nzx
Jugzilla VI, I Only Body, Khurt, level 8 pidgey, ninjyy, Lunar
SS_PUPS, Tylerrr23, DeathAlley, redspongebob123, surnudsilm, the_chod_PINOY
Rehzayy, Thorn and Chill, Heffe Kaiser, Flayes, Jacob le PapeQc, Mysticzs
Rehzayy, Thorn and Chill, Heffe Kaiser, FBungie, Jacob le PapeQc, Mysticzs
Xovuh, I420IGUNZ OG187, LilxKiller14, RevoIte, Gluttxny, OverkillXBL
Hamdeezus, dukeiscool, TheCurzedOne, RustyNai1Drinkr, GraveKAMIKAZE19, SouthrnGentlman
gamma AVENGER, PelicanBird, Digital aVp, AlfredoPlays, Xavier0080, ParPuffDaddy
xyz6077, marko290579, blockskiller, yusei1712, Kartash1, Ramlod619
amorvillano, mrtruong, TickleMeElmo_69, luckyDUELstars, drew569, LEGION-iNUCKA
Rebelize_, Gunny629, TheTeawrex, Charionna, Professorbroman, Gothalion
xela510, BlazeBoss17, HELLVET1CA, diddledaddle, gigogambino, FruitRoot
EnooormeBlague, Boubios, wNONOSw, Xx-Damien7380-xX, c-bastyen, Mccleod83
killah, JLa, Sync Misc, Spladash, Augment, CTF
killah, Dakra, Sync Misc, Spladash, Augment, CTF