HM Wrath of the Machine Leader Board

Time Players (kills)
Gatsby XI, ITI, xSoIid, Textbook1987, Smiler, PumaIicious
DaKeskin, Musa_Hatake, ethalias, Heartless120, Mc_Pattiser, ReKoZ710
FuryOfADyingMan, Covert Shadows, Captain Mjolnir, sBankz, Docs Revolver, lee green, kmilky, Gulo Gulo
DaigleTheBagel, Bizmirc, UncrewedImp, Nobody 3lse, XXAKAdam47XX, Lord Deathbat, VGN Kilo, MIKE199069, MEROMEs, Rainb0wDa5h FIM, R3MiiX Reeezy, R3MiiX Shadowz
TeenyHouse, HexNtonic, arcaneus_als, wizzle-xd, Heptagonic, natr64
rpotts, Kircios, sc Slayerage, EPICOOKIEZ, xDom, Eavr
lskeane, TheRealEaglez, Zomb1eMilkshake, Wxgba, ocean954, JAMO-1990
Gigz, Vetoed, Yem, Lethal Vendetta, GhunZ, Are eye oh Tea
DufflePuff, BLACK DEATH383, Error Not Valid, Not Black Mike, SweetLastWords, SEABASSS10
DufflePuff, BLACK DEATH383, Error Not Valid, MT Sneaky Snake, SweetLastWords, SEABASSS10
CamaroSS2, CyberDWolf, bigblue3288, PenquinPie, MGESerratedViper, ForsakenPyro
maroc2k, realinder, the88sim, Tryhard-_-Remix, Veluzed, supralative
jelloboy060708, Solem Revenant, AL3X JG, AcesLiberator, K03 WhiteLies, El Chupaacabra
l_iKFo_l, FUT13_39oom, Hawwas, orclisk_, al_dsheer, Y7LM
majorpane4u, taven185, FAnTxsy VIII, AdmirableFall, swboggess, DFedEXE, Gh05tlyKilla
Pein OG, Would U Date Me, Madrid, Cow, Militant TV, high im prodigy
JayRoc, Devise, DivineCaboose, Claytheist, Rakkanteki, Slashisthetruth
xSSx SN4K3Yz, Fulcrum107, rageingchunk, Shadow002, cookie lover22, CAP10 MURICA
Tw0-Fang, FACETHIS27, johngman30, ryanaita44, xAFR0xSAMURAI, goldengodofstink
o S M 1 T H Y, TopshelfTwig73, Kingsday, Joshiee P, MaaattD, z S M 1 T H Y
iDeathstroke_z, Funny_Camper, richyi990, ArcA_Solid, Ptolemaeus103, BroGAMEr02
WithTheRedICON, Balrog2039, Cole5520, dongernutz, JiraiYa-46, ANDY___D___G, Artorias-4960
MORPH3US 007, DarthGreenScar, CiecoCattivo, Rix217, DeRiss524, Svipdaegir
Tealc, xID4v3Tr1xIx, Beenzen, LichtBlase742, GoaGoaMpuJaaaa, Pollux74
onlyggPL, Fivaldo1, Noxthy, mlody91pl, TerrorymF, godlesowned
Gummoe, SScarlet Wolf, iamkunii, Noroi, Xx1txH1gHNo0nzx, TomCatChi, Noroi
Neechee79, StanniF, joeystecher1989, AmonX25, xBaaBiiBooiix, sirivar57
Shaka Flockaa, SparKmayne, Sovereign VII, dGen, fIeur de Iis, BROKEN GUN
CyKoTic_DeMoN, Equilist, oDose-xD, TheBrosephTrout, PnAs, TYekciM
bakre02, RC_Riko, vaj1nator, BizzySGS, madvill1106, KnockerzEvo2
morning-_wood27, corpsmanrey, Rabsox386, hallcr, Sarcophagus, NSAneKiller666
icFrenzy9, zombiecleaner340, G0TchuGuy, antonioep121, highhowru024, meanperson, blackkyurem999
xUnchartedRogue, O I3acon O, CEEJ XXL, The Panda Life, Immortal Thor10, OPrime 91
beNNi1694, ARKAN54321, Rebuz7-13, edindeco, giaannii007, xdc-rocka
ryanandmia, Jones_298, Slxw-, BrandonColina, MansfieId, Tyler_is_online, Jones_298, Jones_298, MansfieId, MansfieId, Slxw-
xPaNDeMiiCx, xpuvi, iiStaticGhost, JollyLlamaBalls, FJCruiser1999, FITZY_994
A Sleepy Kitten, HyperMato, Terminator J, Mano Destra777, VashlheStampede, Admiral Pardek
Reverbesque, AD OP OG, Scruby Dew, Azurhe, LifeTime, Schwegh, ItzBeckoning, invalid
joeundjim, Mayfair1992, Zinho_Smash, J3ss3_P1nkm4n_N1, FeketePako, LL__50
ImmortalHate, SelectedNickel0, Hammerstrik3, NotTomWasHere, MDKxMASTER, Redaqkill, DapperDanno7
lll KSA HiTmAn, infinitEpic, REDBOOL KsA11, T Raww ll, ice 0s0 black, saad808, iEMAD, oxX hemo Xxo
footballphilTV, RahoolTheTool, fpwill, Jericon001, MassiveSubdural, leunglambs
TheNoobyFolisted, Crazy_Sk1llz_99, Algehbreh, ohh_GUIDO, tyreetd5, ANGRY_UN1C0RNS
sandler97, CHUNKY_MONKEY478, caseyg4017, TheMrSoundwave, NicelyDone42, Scassidy13579_
Gimme Yo Yen, LJ Titan, ClammyMango, MyOnlyResort, lamNoble, Squiree
Rare Cyclone, a Frag, pL Aliii, l Nova Sins l, StaTicShOck9806, LintyElm, LeeZaphur
Rafa-Pai, bapmonteiro77, DyegoGR, Maximus_NPM, laercio86, otkcar
WorstBowlHavior, jaaavaaa2, Vlad_The_Empalar, JTMWX, millerkiller11, M83Gaming
JacubMorris, Birkalicious63, Screenshine, LittleLambLost1, Orxnge, TiLLYisBoSS
GrubDestroya117, Hudini iz ripin, ICautionl, B1ESSED KNIGHT, VeKZ Force, l Im Hero l